I've never dove into it, but do you "own" your posts on Substack? I'd automatically assume no since you're using someone else's platform. Only true way is to self host and post to your own site/blog. But wasn't sure if Substack had friendlier creator terms.

I've had similar thoughts with ownership, but I still have the content I make that can be reposted/repurposed somewhere else if IG isn't the platform to use.

IG is really good/convenient to reach people as it is simple and to the point, reaching just about anyone on the internet.

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re: ownership on substack, looks like you retain ownership of content: https://substack.com/pa

I totally agree that IG is a great platform to reach people and that depending on your goals, it can be worth the tradeoffs. I did save what I could from IG and hope to repurpose the content so that it can still help impact our world for the better. Keep up your good work!

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I was going to ask you….

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